Unreal Tournament: Astromine 0317
Game Engine
Unreal Engine 4.15 Unreal Tournament Editor
Development Time
243 hours
First person shooter
Design Goals
Create a visually pleasing multiplayer arena for Unreal Tournament
A space station inspired by numerous pop culture astroid stations, such as Star Wars: Knights of the old republic 2 intro level
Have multiple zones of play, i.e. low gravity zones and normal gravity zones
Incorperate a multiplayer script in the way of an enviromental hazard that is player triggered, to learn more about that process and how it turned out click HERE
Fun to play
Complete design from inception to completion in less than 250 work hours
Production Screenshots
This collection of images are from the final product, complete with lighting, sounds, and particle effects
Process Screenshots
This collection of images were taken durning development of the level. During this phase I had a series of playtests with 4 to 8 people to test balance, flow, and conveyance. According to my observations, and playtester feedback I adjusted areas that had poor flow, or little overall value in the map. One such adjustments was a large side room that was reduced to a hallway due to lack of enjoyable play in that area, it was used mainly to translate to other areas.
Post Mortem
I created an fun space with interesting mechanics that the players enjoyed
Learned that elements of the design can change from the initial specs and retain the same spirit of the effect, in this case the environmental hazard changed from a meteor strike to an air lock based on player feedback
I learned that having a solid idea early makes implementing easy, but can make additions or adjustments trickier, in this case the map initially did not have a safe drop zone under the low gravity area. Implementing that area required a redesign of the death volumes and sight lines in that area.
Aesthetics/ visual implementation takes longer than white box